Reverie (Debussy/arr. by Karen Ervin-Pershing)
$10.00 – $11.00Transcribed for solo vibraphone.
Transcribed for solo vibraphone.
Showing 21–38 of 38 results
Showing 21–38 of 38 results
Transcribed for solo vibraphone.
Transcribed for solo vibraphone.
Scene for Vibraphone is a solo with cymbal, wind chimes and two java gongs providing the decorative textures. The piece is composed from an almost modal point of view with the note f as a central reference. Suggestive, free-tonal and narrative in character. Intermediate/Advanced, Duration 5:30
Scene for Vibraphone is a solo with cymbal, wind chimes and two java gongs providing the decorative textures. The piece is composed from an almost modal point of view with the note f as a central reference. Suggestive, free-tonal and narrative in character. Intermediate/Advanced, Duration 5:30
Sketches in Noir is a seven-movement suite for solo vibraphone based on extra-musical themes from film noir.
Sketches in Noir is a seven-movement suite for solo vibraphone based on extra-musical themes from film noir.
A bright 3/4 tune in C, easier to play than most of Piper’s Seven Songs. Spot would make an excellent jury piece for the developing vibraphonist.
A bright 3/4 tune in C, easier to play than most of Piper’s Seven Songs. Spot would make an excellent jury piece for the developing vibraphonist.
A charming, lively solo, ‘Spring Valley Kids’ may be performed either by vibraphone alone or with optional rhythm section accompaniment (lead sheet included).
A charming, lively solo, ‘Spring Valley Kids’ may be performed either by vibraphone alone or with optional rhythm section accompaniment (lead sheet included).
Another of John Mark Piper’s popular ‘Seven Songs for Vibraphone’, as performed by Piper in live performances and on CD.
Another of John Mark Piper’s popular ‘Seven Songs for Vibraphone’, as performed by Piper in live performances and on CD.
One of three movements from Vibraphone Suite No. 1. This movement is dedicated to Evelyn Glennie and like the others may be performed as a solo or as part of the suite. Begins and ends with shimmering left-hand rolls. Features a central Latin section.
One of three movements from Vibraphone Suite No. 1. This movement is dedicated to Evelyn Glennie and like the others may be performed as a solo or as part of the suite. Begins and ends with shimmering left-hand rolls. Features a central Latin section.
Three serious pieces for the serious vibraphonist. The etudes are tonally complex and technically challenging, as well as musically interesting.
Three serious pieces for the serious vibraphonist. The etudes are tonally complex and technically challenging, as well as musically interesting.
A collection of three short etudes for solo vibraphone.
A collection of three short etudes for solo vibraphone.
One vibraphone, three players, six movements, 15 minutes … I must admit this didn’t seem enticing at first; however Jonathan Kolm creates some very nice moments by utilizing various performance techniques. The selected techniques create wonderful changes in timbre and definitely provide a much-needed contrast for the ear of the listener.
– Jason Baker, Percussive Notes
One vibraphone, three players, six movements, 15 minutes … I must admit this didn’t seem enticing at first; however Jonathan Kolm creates some very nice moments by utilizing various performance techniques. The selected techniques create wonderful changes in timbre and definitely provide a much-needed contrast for the ear of the listener.
– Jason Baker, Percussive Notes
Written on a flight while traveling to Asia, Miceli wanted to compose a difficult yet lyrical piece for solo vibraphone. The resulting “Water Marks” is so named because it is reminiscent of drops of rain splashing as they fall into a puddle.
Written on a flight while traveling to Asia, Miceli wanted to compose a difficult yet lyrical piece for solo vibraphone. The resulting “Water Marks” is so named because it is reminiscent of drops of rain splashing as they fall into a puddle.
This is an exciting composition for vibraphone- one that would make an excellent choice for a senior recital. The piece may be played in its entirety, but the composer also gives recommended combinations of movements to be played if the performer chooses.
This is an exciting composition for vibraphone- one that would make an excellent choice for a senior recital. The piece may be played in its entirety, but the composer also gives recommended combinations of movements to be played if the performer chooses.
More reflective in character than ‘Baroque in Swing’, ‘Dreams’ asks the vibraphonist to shape flowing melodic lines through subtle dynamic variations. Dampening skills are essential! As with all the “Seven Songs,” the vibraphonist is also given the opportunity to improvise. May be performed as a solo or with rhythm section.
More reflective in character than ‘Baroque in Swing’, ‘Dreams’ asks the vibraphonist to shape flowing melodic lines through subtle dynamic variations. Dampening skills are essential! As with all the “Seven Songs,” the vibraphonist is also given the opportunity to improvise. May be performed as a solo or with rhythm section.