New Releases



“Stasis and motion; weight and weightlessness; pulse and impulse: these are the materials of Anima.”
Theodore Wiprud
Ethereal percussion quartet fit for advanced ensembles.

“Stasis and motion; weight and weightlessness; pulse and impulse: these are the materials of Anima.”

Theodore Wiprud

Ethereal percussion quartet fit for advanced ensembles.

Détourner le Regard


Détourner le Regard (to shift one’s gaze) represents our ability to turn away from the unpleasant. This piece symbolizes the importance of creating stillness in one’s life, allowing for clarity and truth.

Détourner le Regard (to shift one’s gaze) represents our ability to turn away from the unpleasant. This piece symbolizes the importance of creating stillness in one’s life, allowing for clarity and truth.

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