

Old Man Jazz (Gene Quaw/arr. Yurika Kimura)

Old Man Jazz was composed (both music and lyrics) by Gene Quaw, and published in 1920 by Jos. W. Stern & Co. The original sheet music has the subtitle “An Eccentric Fox Trot Song.” The All Star Trio (George Hamilton Green, xylophone, F. Wheeler Wadsworth, tenor saxophone, and Victor Arden, piano) recorded a very clever version of the piece for Victor Records (#18699) in 1920. This transcription arrangement is based on the All Star Trio recording, with reference to the original sheet music.

Yurika Kimura Yurika performs both as concert marimbist and xylophonist.

Old Man Jazz was composed (both music and lyrics) by Gene Quaw, and published in 1920 by Jos. W. Stern & Co. The original sheet music has the subtitle “An Eccentric Fox Trot Song.” The All Star Trio (George Hamilton Green, xylophone, F. Wheeler Wadsworth, tenor saxophone, and Victor Arden, piano) recorded a very clever version of the piece for Victor Records (#18699) in 1920.

This transcription arrangement is based on the All Star Trio recording, with reference to the original sheet music.

Review in Percussive Notes, July 2014



Performance Type

Mixed Ensemble

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