

Street Talk

An exciting new piece from award-winning composer Lynn Glassock! For 10 percussionists, the piece requires 2 vibraphones, 4 marimbas, a cabasa, woodblock/cowbell, tambourine, guiro, small and large gongs, temple blocks, bowed crotale, and flexatone. Special effects include drumming with fingers and using rattan on the side of a marimba.

Lynn Glassock is a native of Dallas, Texas and received his Bachelor of Music and Master of Music Degrees from the University of North Texas. His teachers have included Paul Guerrero, Ron Fink, Kalman Cherry, Ed Soph and Leigh Howard Stevens.

An exciting new piece from award-winning composer Lynn Glassock! For 10 percussionists, the piece requires 2 vibraphones, 4 marimbas, a cabasa, woodblock/cowbell, tambourine, guiro, small and large gongs, temple blocks, bowed crotale, and flexatone. Special effects include drumming with fingers and using rattan on the side of a marimba.



Performance Type

6+ Players