

In Ancient Temple Gardens (Recording)

In Ancient Temple Gardens is a track featured on the CD, “The Solo Percussionist”.

William Cahn joined the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra as principal percussionist after graduating form the Eastman School of Music in 1968.

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In Ancient Temple Gardens is featured on the CD, “The Solo Percussionist”.

Inspired by the composer’s first concert tour to Japan with NEXUS, the work is dedicated to the distinguished composer, Toru Takemitsu, who was NEXUS’ host and mentor during the group’s visit. Among the most memorable of experiences were visits to the beautiful temples of Kyoto. The first was Kiyomizu, which sits on a wooded hill overlooking the city, and where NEXUS spent a wonderful afternoon with Toru. The second was Ryoanji with its profound rock garden, and the third was Saiho-Zenji, or ‘Kokedera’, the serene moss garden in the hills just outside of Kyoto, where the enchanting ‘thud’ of a giant mokugyo (wooden temple block) echoed from the temple. The music attempts to capture a feeling of peace, beauty, and harmony, that surely must accompany anyone’s presence at these special places. It is scored for xylophone, crotales, wooden rattle, anklung (Balinese bamboo rattle), and small bells suspended on lengths of string.

Audio File Type

MP3, 44.1 WAV