Jazz Vibraphone, Journey to Artistry Vol. 1, Technique and Language is the first installment of an ambitious three-volume series. Presented as a collection of personal and musical notes, lectures, transcriptions, lessons, and exercises accumulated over many years, master vibraphonist, Giovanni shares his musical journey to help players gain a holistic understanding of the vibraphone from history to theory, technique, and beyond.
Volume 1, Technique and Language, lays a solid foundation based in the fundamental harmonic and melodic concepts of jazz. Addressing topics ranging from harmony and chord structure, to comping, voicing and improvisation, Giovanni masterfully progresses though lessons to help players establish the technical and musical proficiency needed to improvise effortlessly. Expansive step-by-step lessons on voicing, chord progressions, comping strategies and soloing techniques further empower players to become more playful and inventive when improvising.
This ambitious new book is sure to become instantly popular with lasting relevance among mallet players of all ability levels, for many years to come.